With more than 40 years of experience dedicated to engineering and to the development of audio-visual projects and communications, this year the seal of `Innovating Pyme has granted us’.

From Ruybesa we have realized that is not enough with excellence in the installation and integration and for that reason we centered our daily efforts in strengthen the activities in Investigation, in the technological Development and in the technological Innovation (I+D+I). This helps us to offer innovative solutions that entail an important competitive advantage for our clients.

This recognition of the Ministry to the strong and constant efforts of our company in the I+D+I area, is the result of several innovative projects and represents for us an important reward from the sector and from the society.

But,  What does really means to be `Innovatve Pyme’ and what are the advantages?

‘Innovative Pyme’ is a small or  medium company that, during the past few years, has made credited activities in the scope of the investigation, the technological development and the technological innovation, that is to say, in the I+D+I area and is required to fulfill a series of established very specific requirements in the norm. Among them, to have been able to demonstrate its activity of I+D+I in the scope of the development, as well as by the systems of quality certification that guarantee to us.

This type of initiatives facilitates the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to continue impelling projects of I+D+I that favor the competitiveness and the future development of the companies.

From Ruybesa we know perfectly that the permanent innovation is the only form to be competitive, this recognition represents one compensates to the lines marked by the company in the scopes of innovation.

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