Dear supplier customers and friends

We hope that you and your family and friends are feeling well.

Health is clearly a primary aspect for us, that’s why since the beginning of this crisis, Ruybesa has adopted all the safety measures recommended by the authorities to try to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

With a such unstable situation like this, we are continually adapting. Ruybesa continues to offer all the services and supplies agreed with our customers and suppliers with measures such as teleworking, we also continue operating warehouses and delegations, as well as the entire structure of the company.

We want to thank the professionalism of all employees managing this situation, as well as the understanding of customers and suppliers, this certainly gives us strength and encouragement to continue with a positive attitude and confidence in a future where we will continue to adapt to provide the best solutions and services that we can offer as we have done for more than 40 years.

Thanks a lot